by Larry Richman | Jun 30, 2021
The Church publishes three global magazines—the Friend (for children), For the Strength of Youth (for youth), and the Liahona (for adults). Many people like to listen to the magazines rather than read them. This article explains how to stream or download an audio...
by Larry Richman | Jul 24, 2020
Now you can listen to anything in the Gospel Library app in most languages. If it doesn’t already have a pre-recorded audio, you can now use the text-to-speech capability for all the content in the app. Just tap the headphones icon and it will play the...
by Larry Richman | Jul 23, 2020
The Church has created Gospel Voice, available as an Amazon Alexa skill and a Google Assistant. With this new skill (for Amazon Alexa) or action (for Google Assistant), you can conveniently listen to Church content, such as scriptures; general conference; Come, Follow...
by Larry Richman | Jan 27, 2020
I just finished a project to digitize all my old audiocassettes, videocassettes (home movies), and 8mm tapes to digital. I wish I had done it years ago, because the images and sound had faded a lot. Digital will last forever without degradation if you store it...
by Larry Richman | May 22, 2019
For years, FamilySearch has helped you preserve family memories by letting you upload photos and stories to your Family Tree. (Learn more about adding Memories to Family Tree.) Now that function has been enhanced by letting you add audio descriptions to the pictures...
by Larry Richman | Jan 28, 2019
Maurine and Scot Proctor of Meridian Magazine have created a weekly 30-minute podcast on the new Come, Follow Me curriculum. A new podcast is available every Friday about the following week’s curriculum. Each episode focuses on the life and mission of Jesus Christ as...
by Larry Richman | Sep 11, 2018
The Mormon Channel has a new podcast series that focuses on the new narrative history of the Church titled Saints: The Story of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Latter Days. Editor’s note (January 2, 2025): The Mormon Channel has been renamed Saints Channel....
by Larry Richman | Oct 13, 2017
This article describes how to download video, audio, and music from the LDS general conference page at (or for short). In addition to the ways to download described in this article, you can access video, audio, and music from the...
by Larry Richman | Jan 22, 2016
The Church publishes translations of the Book of Mormon in the six Mayan languages listed below. (The Mayan language family includes languages spoken by about 6 million people who live primarily in Guatemala and Southern Mexico.) Many of the people who speak these...
by Larry Richman | Jul 29, 2014
An effective way to collect family histories is to record video or oral interviews. Video and oral histories are valuable tools for capturing and preserving information about events in our lives, our testimonies, and memories that may otherwise be lost. A video or...
by Larry Richman | Nov 24, 2013
The Book of Mormon is published in 109 languages, and many of them are available in multiple formats online. In March 1830, 5,000 copies of the Book of Mormon were printed in the E. B. Grandin print shop in Palmyra, New York. From that humble beginning, today the...
by Larry Richman | Oct 7, 2013
This morning, the LDS General Conference was the #2 in the Top iTunes Podcasts in the Religion and Spirituality category. #2 is General Conference MP3 Audio #19 is General Conference HD Video #51 is General Conference Audiobook #63 is Book of Mormon MP3 Audio in...
by Larry Richman | Jul 6, 2013
An upgraded version of the Gospel Library mobile app is now available for iOS devices in Apple’s app store. The new version is called Gospel Library 3 and it is a separate app from the previous Gospel Library 2.5 app. The 3.0 upgrade is for iOS 6-compatible devices....
by Larry Richman | Mar 8, 2013
Did you know that the Church offers scripture stories for your family as printed books, videos, and audio programs? Colorful Illustrated Scripture Stories These illustrated story books are written on a basic reading level for children and are also a valuable resource...
by Larry Richman | Nov 2, 2012
For Latter-day Saints who can’t read printed material because of a disability, the Church provides audio versions of many of its magazines, manuals, and other publications. The audio files are available online at You can listen to them online or...