How to Schedule Appointments at Latter-Day Saint Temples

How to Schedule Appointments at Latter-Day Saint Temples

Half of the temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have now reopened for proxy ordinance work. This article explains how to schedule appointments to do proxy work. How to Schedule Temple Appointments for Proxy Work In the main navigation on...
How to Schedule Appointments at Latter-Day Saint Temples

Checklist for Returning to the Temple

LDS Living has published an article “Returning to the temple: A physical and spiritual checklist” with some good reminders of things to do to be ready to return to the temple. Read the full article for an explanation of each of the following points: Check...
FamilySearch Now Lists Your Completed Temple Ordinances

FamilySearch Now Lists Your Completed Temple Ordinances

FamilySearch now provides a list of completed ordinances to make it easy to keep track of the temple ordinances you perform for your ancestors. The completed ordinances list shows the most recent 3,000 items of temple ordinances that you reserved and completed in the...
Senior Service Missionaries Can Serve in Temples

Senior Service Missionaries Can Serve in Temples

Senior service missionaries may now be assigned to serve in temples in the United States and Canada when temples move to phase 4 operations. They may serve in the administrative office, youth center, cafeteria, clothing, laundry, custodial, facilities maintenance,...
Church Provides More Information About Temple Covenants

Church Provides More Information About Temple Covenants

The Church has provided more information to help members prepare to receive the endowment and sealing ordinances, including brief explanations about the covenants Latter-day Saints make during the temple endowment. Information in the General Handbook and on the...
4 Temples to Enter Phase 3 Proxy Ordinance Work

4 Temples to Enter Phase 3 Proxy Ordinance Work

Today, the First Presidency announced that four temples will enter Phase 3 of reopening as soon as December 21, 2020. Nuku’alofa Tonga Temple Apia Samoa Temple Brisbane Australia Temple Taipei Taiwan Temple Phase 3 includes everything allowed in Phases 1 and 2, with...
5 Facts About the Angel Moroni Statue on Temples

5 Facts About the Angel Moroni Statue on Temples

Researchers at the Church History Library have compiled five interesting facts about the angel Moroni statue that sits atop many of the Church’s temples. They gathered this list based on the five most frequently asked questions they have received about the angel...
New Online System for Temple Prayer Rolls

New Online System for Temple Prayer Rolls

A new Church system lets you send the names of individuals in need directly to the temple, where those names can be included on the temple’s prayer roll. You can request a name on the temple prayer rolls in two ways: Go to and...
Four Ways to Prepare for the Reopening of Temples

Four Ways to Prepare for the Reopening of Temples

From the article “Four Ways to Prepare for Temples Reopening” in the Gospel Living app: Once it’s safe, there will be lots of work to do. Due to COVID-19, temples worldwide have been closed. Recently, the First Presidency announced that some temples would...
Video: Temples Through Time

Video: Temples Through Time

In a new Church video, “Temples Through Time,” scholars, ministers, people of various faiths, and members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints share their thoughts about ancient temples and present-day temples and how temples connect people...
Video: The True Power of Temple Work, Elder Renlund

Video: The True Power of Temple Work, Elder Renlund

In a new video from the Church, “The True Power of Temple Work, “Elder Dale G. Renlund shares a powerful message about the impact of the temple on our lives, even during the temporary closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “Although our access to the...

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