Video: We Need Living Prophets

Video: We Need Living Prophets

“Because Heavenly Father loves His children, He has not left them to walk through this mortal life without direction and guidance.” —President Dieter F. Uchtdorf Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints across the world bear testimony of living...
Mother’s Day: May 8, 2016

Mother’s Day: May 8, 2016

Mother’s Day is next Sunday, May 8, 2016. This year, I encourage you to look at some of the materials the Church has created. Pick out what is most meaningful to you and share it with a personal message. For Mother’s Day in 2015, the Church sponsored a...
LDS General Conference April 2016 Summaries & Videos

LDS General Conference April 2016 Summaries & Videos

Over the weekend, millions of people from nearly every country in the world watched LDS General Conference in person or by satellite broadcast, television, radio, online, or with mobile apps. Here is a list of all the ways people could watch conference. The conference...
LDS General Conference October 2015 Summaries & Videos

LDS General Conference October 2015 Summaries & Videos

Over the weekend, millions of people from nearly every country in the world watched LDS General Conference in person or by satellite broadcast, television, radio, online, or with mobile apps. Here is a list of all the ways people could watch conference. Members had...
LDS General Conference April 2015 Summaries & Videos

LDS General Conference April 2015 Summaries & Videos

Over the weekend, millions of people from nearly every country in the world watched LDS General Conference in person or by satellite broadcast, television, radio, online, or with mobile apps. Here is a list of all the ways people could watch conference....
LDS General Conference Summaries & Videos

LDS General Conference Summaries & Videos

Over the weekend, more than 2 million people from nearly every country in the world watched LDS General Conference in person or by satellite broadcast, television, radio, online, or with mobile apps. Here is a list of all the ways people could watch conference. Over a...
Thank Heaven for Fathers

Thank Heaven for Fathers

What is your favorite memory of your father? How would you describe your father in one word? What lessons has your father taught you over the years? These, and other poignant and light-hearted questions are at the heart of this video, “Thank Heaven for...

Mother’s Day Videos

We thought you’d enjoy sharing these videos on Mother’s Day. In the video Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!, teenagers talk about the wonderful things their mothers do. This Mother’s Day, let your mom know how special she is. Share this video with your...

Fatherhood: How Much Time Do You Have? Video

Teaching your teenager to drive, giving your kid’s pet fish a funeral, explaining the birds and the bees, playing catch… Fatherhood isn’t something that happens all at once. It’s a day-in and day-out choice to show up for your kids. So how much...

Video: What the Scriptures Mean to Me

This new video produced by the Church (found at in the section “Personal Value”) shows members describing their personal experiences with the scriptures. The following is the article “‘What the Scriptures Mean to...

Happy Mother’s Day

We thought you’d enjoy sharing these videos with your mother on Mother’s Day. In the video Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!, teenagers talk about the wonderful things their mothers do. This Mother’s Day, let your mom know how special she is. Share this...

Member Video: Mission Man (Gotta Teach ‘Em All!)

I recently shared several videos created by young men in several stakes (see part 1 and part 2). So many people responded that they enjoyed these videos, that I’ve collected a few more. After you watch today’s video, click the YouTube logo in the bottom...
Explaining Latter-day Saint Beliefs: Jesus Christ

Explaining Latter-day Saint Beliefs: Jesus Christ

This article is one in a series of articles about explaining our beliefs to our friends. See other articles in this series. Latter-day Saints believe that Jesus Christ is our Lord, our Redeemer, and our Advocate with the Father. He ransomed us with His blood. Below...

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