No Cost Church Magazines Available Worldwide

No Cost Church Magazines Available Worldwide

Households across the world can now request a free print subscription to any or all of the Church magazines. Each household may sign up for one or all three global magazines: the Liahona (for adults), For the Strength of Youth (for youth ages 12–18), and the Friend...
General Conference Ensign & Liahona May 2019 Now Online

General Conference Ensign & Liahona May 2019 Now Online

The text and PDF of the May issues of the Ensign and Liahona magazines are now online and in the Gospel Library app. This issue contains the addresses from the April 2019 general conference. The magazine is currently being printed and will soon be mailed to...
Ministering Principles in LDS Ensign, Liahona Magazines

Ministering Principles in LDS Ensign, Liahona Magazines

Beginning in June, the Ensign and Liahona began publishing a ministering principle each month to strengthen women, men, young women, and young men in their ministering efforts. The June issue, for example, teaches “Five Things Good Listeners Do,” and the July issue...
Ensign & Liahona Magazines Publish Digital-Only Articles

Ensign & Liahona Magazines Publish Digital-Only Articles

The Ensign and Liahona magazines now publish some articles in digital-only format. In addition to the articles in the printed magazines, other articles are available online at and, and in the Gospel...
LDS General Conference Ensign & Liahona Now Online

LDS General Conference Ensign & Liahona Now Online

The text and PDF of the general conference issues of the Ensign and Liahona magazines are now online and will soon appear in the Gospel Library app. The magazine is currently being printed and will soon be mailed to subscribers. “For the next six months, your...
LDS Magazine Home Pages

LDS Magazine Home Pages

The home pages of each of the four Church magazines have summaries of the content from the current month’s issue of each magazine. These summaries and other resources are updated often to reflect the messages in the most current magazine issues.
LDS General Conference Ensign & Liahona Now Online

LDS General Conference Ensign & Liahona Now Online

The text and PDF of the general conference issues of the Ensign, Liahona, New Era, and Friend magazines are now online and will soon be in the Gospel Library mobile app. Printed copies will soon be in the mail to deliver to subscribers’ doors. The Ensign and...
LDS General Conference Ensign & Liahona Now Online

LDS General Conference Ensign & Liahona Now Online

The text and PDF of the general conference issues of the Ensign, Liahona, New Era, and Friend magazines are now online and will soon be in the Gospel Library mobile app. Printed copies will soon be in the mail to deliver to subscribers’ doors. The Ensign and...
Studying April 2015 LDS General Conference

Studying April 2015 LDS General Conference

The text and PDF of the general conference issues of the Ensign, Liahona, New Era, and Friend magazines are now online and in the Gospel Library mobile app. Printed copies are in the mail to deliver to subscribers’ doors. The Ensign and Liahona magazines...
Studying October 2014 LDS General Conference

Studying October 2014 LDS General Conference

The text and PDF of the general conference issues of the Ensign, Liahona, New Era, and Friend magazines are now online and printed copies are in the mail to deliver to subscribers’ doors. The Ensign and Liahona magazines include a 2-page chart showing the...

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