You Are Living in Historic Times. Record It!

You Are Living in Historic Times. Record It!

Wouldn’t you love to hear an ancestor talk about sailing on the Titanic, fighting in the trenches during World War I, or being part of some other historic event? Well, guess what—you are living through a historic event right now! Your future family members will love...
Church’s Gospel Media Library Redesigned

Church’s Gospel Media Library Redesigned

The Church’s Gospel Media library (formerly LDS Media Library) has been redesigned to make it easier to find, download, and share thousands of videos, images, music, audio, PDFs, and ebooks. The Gospel Media library has a simple design, which you can access...
The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles

The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles

There were several mentions of the document The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles in general conference this past weekend. Here’s how you can access copies of it: Text online Download a printable PDF In the Gospel Library app in the Jesus Christ...
15 LDS Apps That Help Kids Love Gospel Learning

15 LDS Apps That Help Kids Love Gospel Learning

LDS Living has published a list of “15 LDS Apps That Help Kids Love Gospel Learning.” The list includes some great LDS-themed mobile apps that are perfect to keep you or your children engaged in learning the gospel. The list includes LDS Word Search...
10 Apps That Make It Easier to Live the Gospel

10 Apps That Make It Easier to Live the Gospel

There are many mobile apps provided by the Church to make living the gospel easier. You should be familiar with apps like LDS Tools, LDS Music, and the Gospel Library. But there are also apps created by individual members that you may find helpful. LDS Living has...
Upgraded Scripture Mastery App

Upgraded Scripture Mastery App

The Church’s Scripture Mastery app has just been updated for Android and Apple iOS. It’s not just for seminary students any more. All members can use it to learn and memorize scriptures, which can be a powerful source of inspiration in times of need. The...
10 Apps That Make Any LDS Calling Easier

10 Apps That Make Any LDS Calling Easier

Check out these 10 popular apps that could be used to make your church responsibilities easier. The following article originally appeared on LDS Living as “10 Apps That Make Any Church Calling Easier:” Given the overwhelming number of apps being developed...
10th Anniversary of Preach My Gospel

10th Anniversary of Preach My Gospel

This month marks the 10th anniversary of the release of the manual Preach My Gospel. Both missionaries and members have been encouraged to read and study it. In the April 2014 general conference, Elder M. Russell Ballard invited us to obtain and read a copy of the...
Gospel of Jesus Christ: A Secure Anchor

Gospel of Jesus Christ: A Secure Anchor

Do you choose to live your life on the edge or do you follow the correct principles that help to make life easier? Remember to always center your life around Jesus Christ and his teachings. The Mormon Messages For Youth video “A Secure Anchor” explains...
Andersen: Using Technology to Share the Gospel

Andersen: Using Technology to Share the Gospel

In the April 2013 LDS General Conference, Elder Neil L. Andersen talked about miracles in preaching the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ to the uttermost parts of the earth. He recounted how our day is “a remarkable time of miracles.” Although we have a...
LDS Mobile Apps From the Church

LDS Mobile Apps From the Church

Below is a list of the mobile applications provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Find links to these apps at Become. It guides you through simple spiritual exercises to grow closer to Jesus Christ. See...

Happy Thanksgiving

Watch this great video about living in thanksgiving daily. The more often we see the things around us, the more they become invisible to us. Learn how you can live in thanksgiving daily by noticing the wonders and beauties of this world. Read President Thomas S....
Provident Living Web Site

Provident Living Web Site

Provident Living is a website of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that contains information regarding self-reliance, emergency preparedness, and humanitarian efforts. Resources range from calculators to help with family budgets and food storage to...

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