Parenting the Internet Generation

Parenting the Internet Generation

If your son or daughter has a mobile device, have you talked with them about using it appropriately and avoiding inappropriate things? Here are a few tips that may help: Family Safeguards Has your family discussed together the benefits and the potential risks of using...
Pornography is a Problem for Women, Too

Pornography is a Problem for Women, Too

  Collecting or viewing pornography is akin to keeping a rattlesnake in your backpack. We live in a day when the scourge of pornography is sweeping across the world. It is hard to escape it. “To indulge in pornography leads to difficulties, divorce,...
Pornography Addiction Among College Students

Pornography Addiction Among College Students

Pornography use among college students continues to be a growing issue. And few college students seem to think that it is a problem. Statistics show that pornography use is rampant among college students. Pornography is easily accessible, and the majority of students...
Free Videos About Overcoming Pornography

Free Videos About Overcoming Pornography

Covenant Eyes provides free videos about overcoming pornography. Here are some examples: Quitting Porn (The Secret to Break Free for Good) 5 Myths About Porn Every Wife Should Reject Does Porn Ruin Your Brain? Covenant Eyes is a Christian-based company that offers...
Free Ebooks About Pornography

Free Ebooks About Pornography

Covenant Eyes provides free educational materials for parents. These ebooks cover topics such as the following: Fighting Porn with Accountability, Faith, and Friends The Porn Circuit: Understand Your Brain and Break Porn Habits in 90 Days A Woman’s Guide to Porn...
A Free Pornography Recovery Course for Couples

A Free Pornography Recovery Course for Couples

Covenant Eyes now provides a free, 14-day video course to help married couples learn how to support each other to overcome pornography. You’ll learn practical steps that promote honesty, understanding, and trust. Get the free course. Covenant Eyes is a Christian-based...
How Do People Perceive Pornography?

How Do People Perceive Pornography?

What do people think about pornography? 90% of teens and 96% of young adults are either encouraging, accepting, or neutral when they talk about porn with their friends. Just 55% of adults 25+ believe porn is wrong. Teens and young adults 13-24 believe not recycling is...
Parenting the Internet Generation

Parenting the Internet Generation

Did your son or daughter get a new mobile device for Christmas? If so, have you talked with them about using it appropriately and avoiding inappropriate things? Here are a few tips that may help: Family Safeguards Has your family discussed together the benefits and...

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