Connect with Your Family: Past, Present, and Future

Connect with Your Family: Past, Present, and Future

The following is from the article “Connect with Your Family: Past, Present, and Future” from the FamilySearch blog: Family history provides a powerful way to strengthen your family. Connect with your family’s past to build a legacy through fun and...
Updated LDS Media Library App 2.0

Updated LDS Media Library App 2.0

The LDS Media Library app—the mobile app version of the LDS Media Library on—has been updated with easier searches, media trimming, customizable presentations, and offline use. With the LDS Media Library app, you can search the largest selection of Church...
Relatives Around Me

Relatives Around Me

Have you ever sat in a room full of people and wondered if or how you might be related to those around you? If not, you will now . . . Sorry. But, there is good news! Relatives Around Me, a new feature in the FamilySearch Family Tree app, can tell you the answer. How...
Video: Connect. Belong. RootsTech Kick-off 2018

Video: Connect. Belong. RootsTech Kick-off 2018

When we discover who we are in relation to each other, we think differently, act differently, and treat other people differently. That is the key message of the video “Connect. Belong” that was shown at the opening of the RootsTech 2018 conference. Humans...
Video: Losing a Child to Addiction

Video: Losing a Child to Addiction

LDS video “Losing a Child to Addiction” from the Mormon Channel. “Drugs just bring on so much trauma in your family, well before you lose that loved one. It’s just ugly and it scars you,” says Shauna, whose son began experimenting with drugs at just 13...
Teaching Kids to Be Digitally Literate

Teaching Kids to Be Digitally Literate

“If your idea of teaching kids to be digitally savvy means showing them how to avoid phishing scams, create unbreakable passwords and stay off pornographic websites — then experts say you’ve got a lot to learn.” That’s the lead paragraph in the...

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