
The Church offers several resources to help individuals and families deal with anxiety.

  1. Church News podcast “Anxiety and a Church resource for Life Help.” The audio podcast features Elder Marcos A. Aidukaitis, Sister Carol Lawrence-Costley, and Brother G. Sheldon Martin.
  2. Church News article “How anxiety impacts the church experience and what members can do to help.”
  3. The Church’s Life Help resources provide helps for a number of life’s challenges, including mental and emotional health and other topics. These resources are found in the Gospel Library app and also online at

Anxiety is a problem that impacts all of us at certain times in our life, but that we often don’t discuss with others. Anxiety is a normal human emotion that everyone experiences. Each of us feels different levels of anxiety. But when those feelings become ever constant, they can interfere with our lives or the lives of those we love. Learn more about Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders

Bonus resource: “President Oaks speaks on dealing with anxiety, stress, at BYU-Hawaii devotional

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