Jacob Hess has written an article, “New Hope for Deeper Healing from Depression and Anxiety” in the July 2022 issue of the Liahona magazine.
Stories of long-term healing from depression and anxiety illustrate that gradual life changes that the gospel encourages can contribute in important ways to long-term healing.
Through research, Jacob identified several helpful themes that show up across many stories of healing, including physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual changes.
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic increased stress, isolation, and grief, there was growing appreciation of the way lifestyle patterns influence emotional distress. As Dr. Stephen Ilardi said, “Human beings were never designed for the poorly nourished, sedentary, indoor, sleep-deprived, socially isolated, frenzied pace of twenty-first-century life.”
In the article, Jacob identifies steps that can we take in our own homes to counteract these lifestyle patterns that make us vulnerable to emotional distress. He explains specific adjustments that those hurting emotionally can make to deepen their own emotional healing.
Read about each of these steps in the article, “New Hope for Deeper Healing from Depression and Anxiety” in the July 2022 issue of the Liahona magazine.
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