Covenant Eyes Podcast About Overcoming Pornography

Covenant Eyes Podcast About Overcoming Pornography

Covenant Eyes provides a free weekly podcast. They sit down with experts and professionals and discuss the latest research, advice, and insights around recovery from pornography use. You’ll get resources and practical tips for helping others break free from...
A Free Pornography Recovery Course for Couples

A Free Pornography Recovery Course for Couples

Covenant Eyes now provides a free, 14-day video course to help married couples learn how to support each other to overcome pornography. You’ll learn practical steps that promote honesty, understanding, and trust. Get the free course. Covenant Eyes is a Christian-based...
Covenant Eyes: Resources About Pornography

Covenant Eyes: Resources About Pornography

On this site, we publish a best-of-the-best list of resources about pornography. We also often recommend a program to help your family stay clear of pornography—Covenant Eyes, a Christian-based program that combines internet filtering with a system of accountability....
How Do People Perceive Pornography?

How Do People Perceive Pornography?

What do people think about pornography? 90% of teens and 96% of young adults are either encouraging, accepting, or neutral when they talk about porn with their friends. Just 55% of adults 25+ believe porn is wrong. Teens and young adults 13-24 believe not recycling is...
Covenant Eyes: Resources About Pornography

Covenant Eyes: Freedom from Pornography

On this site, we publish a best-of-the-best list of resources in overcoming pornography. We know that pornography is a big problem in the world today, and it is growing bigger. If your family will be getting new phones, tablets, computers, or gaming systems this...
Updates to Life Help Resources

Updates to Life Help Resources

The Church has updated the Life Help resources available online and in the Gospel Library. Everyone needs help sometimes. Life is like that. In fact, God planned it to be that way. Mortality presents each of us with a wide variety of experiences and some are easier to...
Magazine Articles about Pornography

Magazine Articles about Pornography

The October 2019 issues of the Ensign and Liahona magazines have several articles about pornography. In an introductory statement in the magazine, Sister Joy D. Jones, Primary General President, said: As we strive to love and protect our children, pornography must be...
Covenant Eyes: Resources About Pornography

Covenant Eyes: Freedom from Pornography

On this site, we maintain an ongoing page that lists resources in overcoming pornography. We know that pornography is a big problem in the world today, and it is growing bigger. One of the best programs we have seen to help your family stay clear of pornography is...
How to Respond When My Child Has Viewed Pornography

How to Respond When My Child Has Viewed Pornography

The Church has produced a series of videos about pornography. Some are resources for individuals and others are to help parents. The video below, “How Do I Respond When My Child Has Viewed Pornography?” is from the page How do I respond when I discover my...

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