Growth in Missions During the Last 10 Years

Growth in Missions During the Last 10 Years

Since 2012, the number of missions in the Church has grown from 347 to 409. The Church News has created two infographics that show the regions of the world with the largest increases and the U. S. states with the largest increases. See the article “Graphs Show...
COVID-19 Vaccine Booster for Missionaries

COVID-19 Vaccine Booster for Missionaries

The Church continues to recommend that missionaries be fully vaccinated, including the COVID-19 vaccine booster where available. Beginning on February 14, 2022, missionaries will need to get a COVID-19 booster, if it is available in their home country and they qualify...
Missionary Opportunities for People with Disabilities

Missionary Opportunities for People with Disabilities

For some people, a full-time proselyting mission isn’t a possibility. However, a service mission can be a great opportunity to use their talents to serve. Find out what kinds of service missions are available, and share this information with those who might benefit....
Help a Friend Connect With Missionaries

Help a Friend Connect With Missionaries

A feature on the Member Tools app and lets you refer a friend to the missionaries and collaborate with them as they contact and teach your friend. How It Works When your friend agrees to meet with missionaries, you simply fill out a referral...
Senior Service Missionary Opportunities Expand Worldwide

Senior Service Missionary Opportunities Expand Worldwide

Beginning this month, eligible Latter-day Saints anywhere in the world can be considered for a senior service mission. (This option was previously available only to those who live in the United States, Canada, and a limited number of other areas.) These missionaries...
Help Visitors Find Your Local Church

Help Visitors Find Your Local Church

When people are looking for somewhere new to attend church, they often search online. Help visitors discover the Church of Jesus Christ by leaving a review about your experience on Google Maps, Yelp, or any service you use regularly. New visitors are searching for...
Top 5 Questions about Latter-day Saint Missionaries

Top 5 Questions about Latter-day Saint Missionaries

Consultants from the Church History Library have compiled a list of the most common questions they have received about missionaries. Below are the top five questions and answers about missionaries from the article “Ask Us: Top Five Reference Questions about...
New Resources to Help Share the Gospel

New Resources to Help Share the Gospel

New resources at can help you share the gospel through social media. Participating in the gathering of Israel includes loving, sharing, and inviting others to enjoy the blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ and His Church. The site...
How to Refer Friends to the Missionaries

How to Refer Friends to the Missionaries

A feature on the Member Tools app and lets you refer a friend to the missionaries and collaborate with them as they contact and teach your friend. How It Works When your friend agrees to meet with missionaries, you simply fill out a referral...
Help Others Build Family Connections

Help Others Build Family Connections

The Church’s page “Help Others Build Family Connections” provides ideas on how to have conversations with your friends to help them begin to find their ancestors. It then explains how to use several activities to discover ancestors. The “Help...
How to Share Light through Social Media

How to Share Light through Social Media

If you use social media, share messages and content that bring light and joy into your life. Look for opportunities to offer hope to those facing challenging times. The following are ideas from the Church’s page “How to Share Light through Social...

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