by Larry Richman | Jun 21, 2022
Covenant Eyes provides a free ebook titled Allied, which teaches how to quit pornography through accountability. The book equips people with the tools they need to cultivate strong accountability relationships. It helps you discover proven methods to building strong...
by Larry Richman | May 25, 2022
Covenant Eyes provides free videos about overcoming pornography. Here are some examples: Quitting Porn (The Secret to Break Free for Good) 5 Myths About Porn Every Wife Should Reject Does Porn Ruin Your Brain? Covenant Eyes is a Christian-based company that offers...
by Larry Richman | May 5, 2022
Covenant Eyes provides free educational materials for parents. These ebooks cover topics such as the following: Fighting Porn with Accountability, Faith, and Friends The Porn Circuit: Understand Your Brain and Break Porn Habits in 90 Days A Woman’s Guide to Porn...
by Larry Richman | Apr 13, 2022
Covenant Eyes provides a free weekly podcast. They sit down with experts and professionals and discuss the latest research, advice, and insights around recovery from pornography use. You’ll get resources and practical tips for helping others break free from...
by Larry Richman | Mar 21, 2022
Covenant Eyes now provides a free, 14-day video course to help married couples learn how to support each other to overcome pornography. You’ll learn practical steps that promote honesty, understanding, and trust. Get the free course. Covenant Eyes is a Christian-based...
by Larry Richman | Jul 9, 2021
As a parent, how do you respond if your child tells you that they’ve been looking at porn? You may feel upset, take away their phone, ground them, or all of the above. It’s easy to feel a rise of emotions, but what does your child really need in that moment? Chances...
by Larry Richman | May 26, 2021
Individuals struggling with addictions or compulsive behaviors may feel lost or alone and need hope and help. Their spouses and family members may also need support. The Church’s Addiction Recovery Program has resources to help. Individuals or their spouses and family...
by Larry Richman | Apr 21, 2021
On this site, we publish a best-of-the-best list of resources about pornography. We also often recommend a program to help your family stay clear of pornography—Covenant Eyes, a Christian-based program that combines internet filtering with a system of accountability....
by Larry Richman | Mar 8, 2021
Many members face a variety of challenges. Parents, leaders, ministering brothers and sisters, and friends have the opportunity to provide help. As you minister to the needs of others, you can help them experience joy and fulfillment. As people seek solutions to their...
by Larry Richman | Feb 10, 2021
What do people think about pornography? 90% of teens and 96% of young adults are either encouraging, accepting, or neutral when they talk about porn with their friends. Just 55% of adults 25+ believe porn is wrong. Teens and young adults 13-24 believe not recycling is...
by Larry Richman | Dec 26, 2020
Did your family get new phones, tablets, computers, or gaming systems this Christmas? If so, do you have a family monitoring system to protect your family from pornography? Pornography is a huge problem in the world today, and it is growing bigger. One of the best...
by Larry Richman | Dec 12, 2020
On this site, we publish a best-of-the-best list of resources in overcoming pornography. We know that pornography is a big problem in the world today, and it is growing bigger. If your family will be getting new phones, tablets, computers, or gaming systems this...
by Larry Richman | Aug 28, 2020
The Church has updated the Life Help resources available online and in the Gospel Library. Everyone needs help sometimes. Life is like that. In fact, God planned it to be that way. Mortality presents each of us with a wide variety of experiences and some are easier to...
by Larry Richman | Mar 3, 2020
The Utah Coalition Against Pornography will hold its annual conference on Saturday, March 28, 2020, in Salt Lake City. Sister Sharon Eubank of the Relief Society General Presidency will be the opening keynote speaker. The theme of the conference is “Developing...
by Larry Richman | Feb 27, 2020
The Addressing Pornography page in the Life Help section of the Church’s website has been updated and added to the Gospel Library App. The updates consist of a reorganization of content to make it more accessible. Especially note the section on safe media use...