video-How I Found Out God Loves Me

In the Church video “How I Found Out God Loves Me, a young woman explains, “When I was born I could hear just fine, but I started to lose my hearing around the age of four, by the age of six I lost my hearing completely. I struggled to feel love and peace throughout my childhood because kids would tease me and made me feel that I was less than them.

“I felt very alone and afraid to talk for fear they would make fun of me. It brought me to a very dark place and afraid for the future because I feared what my life would be like if no one wanted to talk to me. But I realized I was seeking the wrong sources, I was seeking acceptance and approval from those around me. I thought if they would accept me I would have a sense of belonging and happiness.

“It was not until I started to pray to God and turn to Christ that I started to feel peace. Being deaf no longer bothers me, now I focus on what I can do to help others find their own personal peace by turning to Christ.

At the end of the video, you can click other content about personal peace.

Watch the video below “How I Found Out God Loves Me:”



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