The Church publishes three global magazines—the Friend (for children), For the Strength of Youth (for youth), and the Liahona (for adults).
The printed magazines come in beautiful graphic layouts. But when you read the magazines on the Church website or on the Gospel Library app, the articles are mostly text with a few pictures. But if you want to see the full graphic layout like the printed magazines you can download the PDF format and flip through the pages just like the printed version.
To learn how to download the PDF version of any Church publication, see the article “How to Download PDFs from Church Gospel Library Online.”
Example of an HTML text article of the magazine:

Article of the magazine as it appears online.
Example of the same article in the PDF version:

Example of the same article in PDF with full graphic layout.
Does this only work while on desktop browser or will it work while using the church app?
It works best on a desktop computer because a phone screen is so small.
First, here is the link to the pdf of the october 2022 conference issue.
It’s a little awkward, but I was able to go to a particular talk, then ask to download, then I had the choice to download the entire magazine as a pdf, then I printed out the talk I wanted. Much more enjoyable to read.