The divorce rate continues to rise in society and although the divorce rate of Latter-day Saints is lower than the rest of the world, we are also experiencing a growing family crisis within the Church. Even sadder is the fact that once these members divorce, 80% of the men and 40% of the women fall away from activity in the Church—and 95% of their kids go with them. That is a large loss to the Church, and an even bigger loss to those who leave the safety and protection of the Gospel of Jesus Christ at the time when they need it the most.

Support from others is a major factor in helping a family to “land on their feet” after divorce and stay active in the Church. So, what can we do as ward members to better support those going through divorce?

In the article “10 Ways to Support Members Going Through Divorce in Your Ward Family,” Lisa McDougle suggests 10 ways we can be supportive. Read the article for these great suggestions.

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