nick-sales-hie-kolobLDS musician Nick Sales has released this music video of “If You Could Hie To Kolob.”

For over four years, Nick has been working on the arrangement and planning the music video. The idea first came to him as he started his mission. He would flip through the hymn book and coming up with interesting arrangements to his favorite hymns.

Nick explained, “As the arrangement started coming together for ‘If You Could Hie To Kolob,’ the idea hit me that this would make an awesomely epic music video. I instantly knew that I wanted to film it at the Salt Flats in Utah, because since this hymn talks about Kolob, which is another planet, I wanted to film at a place that looked like another planet, and the Salt Flats fits that image perfectly.”

Nick explains that his goal for this video has two parts. “Part one: to give members of the church the opportunity to listen to a modern arrangement of a timeless sacred hymn, and part two: to have those who aren’t members of the church listen to this song and think ‘Wow, this is pretty good!’ and then realize that it’s actually a hymn from the LDS church.”

Nick feels that God is doing missionary work in unique ways, and he feels blessed to be a part of it. “I’ve seen too many miracles happen for this video to come together, and I know that this is a small thing I can do to help bring others closer to Christ.”

If you like this video, follow Nick’s Facebook page or subscribe to his YouTube channel because he plans on making modern arrangements of more hymns. The lyrics of this song bring a powerful message: “There is no end to glory, there is no end to love. There is no end to being, there is no death above.”

Download a free MP3 of the song “If You Could Hie To Kolob.”

Here is a list of other member-created videos I have shared. If you find other videos you think I should share, please post a comment below.

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