LDS-Youth-Testimonies-Why-We-BelieveWhat do Mormons believe? A group of teenagers in Southern California explain why they believe, and what it is like to grow up in the LDS Church.

In this touching video, they respond in impressive ways to some of the most common questions of their faith:

  • Why do you believe that Jesus Christ is your Savior?
  • Why do you live commandments? (Word of Wisdom)
  • What is it like being a woman in the LDS Church?
  • How do you know Joseph Smith was a prophet of God?
  • How are you blessed by being part of an eternal family?
  • Why do you believe the Book of Mormon is true?
  • Why do you believe in temples?
  • How do you know that God answers prayers?
  • Why do you want to serve a mission?
  • How do you know the church is true?

Here’s the video “LDS Youth: Testimonies of ‘Why We Believe’.” If you find it inspiring, please share it.

Here is a list of other member-created videos I have shared. If you find other videos you think I should share, please post a comment below.

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