The movie Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration is now available on Netflix.
The movie was first shown in the Legacy Theater in Salt Lake City, then released on DVD, and now on Hulu, Amazon, and Netflix.
This movie was the first full-length motion picture the Church released on the Internet. The movie is about Joseph Smith, the founding prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Here are all the ways you can watch the movie:
- Netflix
- Hulu
- Amazon Instant Video
- Roku Mormon Channel
- (you can watch or download it free)
- Mormon Channel on YouTube
- media library
- Gospel Library mobile app
- Doctrine & Covenants and Church History Visual Resource DVD. This set includes 4 other movies, including Legacy and Only a Stonecutter. (When the DVD set was first released, it contained the original version of the Joseph Smith movie as it was released in 2005 in the Joseph Smith Building. The movie was later revised to make it more easily understood by a wider audience. All the online versions of the movie are this newer version, as are later versions of the DVD set. Learn more about the revised version of the movie.)
I encourage you to watch family-friendly movies like this on Amazon, Netflix, Hulu, and Roku because the more you watch them, the more likely it is that these companies will continue to carry such movies.
Here’s a trailer to the movie:
Learn more about streaming Internet television.
The movie has been on Netflix for a short time, but we haven’t talked about it here on LDS Media Talk until now.
I wonder why they don’t make it free on amazon, that might be nice for some people.
It is free for Prime users, you can watch it free in so many places though including and I don’t know why it should be a problem
Is there any way and any place I can go to purchase the original 2005 movie? I bought the D&C DVD set with the original on it when it first became available, but in the spirit of missionary work and reactivation, I gave it away to a family in our ward 3 months ago thinking I will just buy another one, but now…
My wife, youngest daughter and I were all extras in the original movie and spent two days as “boat people. ” While we generally cannot be seen (my torso does come into view at the end of the first scene), we were in EVERY shot of the riverboat because we were on the boat!
The boat does not figure prominantly in the revised version, hence the reason for the request; it always brings back some great memories, and tears, when we watch it!
To find an old verion of the DVD, you could perhaps check with a Deseret Industries store.
Any other LDS movies on Netflix, Hulu, etc?
So why can I not find Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration on Netflix?
I just logged in and searched for it and found it.
Gostaria de pedir aos responsáveis, que ao colocarem trailer dos filmes de nossa Igreja, que eles já possam vir com a tradução da lingua do Pais, assim fica mais fácil também, de passar a mensagem de nossa Igreja e de Nossos Apóstolos através de qualquer midia que for colocada, pode ser Filmes, Trailer, Propaganda tudo para que as pessoas sintam o Verdadeiro Amor que carregamos e oferecemos ao nosso Próximo através do PAI CELESTIAL e do Evangelho de JESUS CRISTO.
Desculpe incomoda-los, mas quando fui ver um Trailer não consegui ver a tradução, apesar de já saber a mensagem de nosso Apóstolo.
Tenham um ótimo final de semana.
Beijos e Abraços a todos.