The movie Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration is now available on Amazon Instant Video.
This movie was the first full-length motion picture the Church released on the Internet. The movie is about Joseph Smith, the founding prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Here are all the ways you can watch the movie:
- Netflix
- Hulu
- Amazon Instant Video
- Roku Mormon Channel
- (you can watch or download it free)
- Mormon Channel on YouTube
- media library
- Gospel Library mobile app
- Doctrine & Covenants and Church History Visual Resource DVD. This set includes 4 other movies, including Legacy and Only a Stonecutter. (When the DVD set was first released, it contained the original version of the Joseph Smith movie as it was released in 2005 in the Joseph Smith Building. The movie was later revised to make it more easily understood by a wider audience. All the online versions of the movie are this newer version, as are later versions of the DVD set. Learn more about the revised version of the movie.)
I encourage you to watch family-friendly movies like this on Amazon, Netflix, Hulu, and Roku because the more you watch them, the more likely it is that these companies will continue to carry such movies.
Here’s a trailer to the movie:
Here’s the whole movie:
I want the 2005 version. It was SO much better. With the edit, they removed the best part of the musical score; thereby severely reducing the impact of the film in my opinion. This was a very unfortunate editorial decision, but it is what it is. HOW can I find the 2005 version; as that is the one that I actually saw change a life right before my eyes.
Matthew, the 2005 version was on the original Doctrine & Covenants and Church History Visual Resource DVD. Perhaps you can find an old copy at a Deseret Industries or from a member.