young-man-scripturesIn addition to seeking spiritual guidance through prayer, there are various strategies you can use when studying the scriptures. These methods may help you to receive inspired insights and revelation for your life.

Ask Questions
Uncover deeper meaning in a verse of scripture by asking questions that help you think more deeply about what it teaches. For example, you could ask “Why is this account included in the scriptures? What does Heavenly Father want me to learn from this?”

Use Study Helps
Use the footnotes, the Topical Guide, the Bible Dictionary, and the Guide to the Scriptures to gain insights into the verses you read. You might also consider referring to Sunday School manuals, seminary manuals and institute manuals.

As you read, consider how scripture accounts and teachings apply in your life. For example, how does Noah’s experience inspire me to live righteously in a wicked world?

Search the scriptures for meaningful words and phrases, answers to questions you have, and insights about gospel principles.

Mark Meaningful Passages
When a word or phrase in the scriptures impresses you, mark it.

Keep a Journal
Keep a journal of the insights, feelings, and impressions you receive as you study the scriptures.

Additional articles:

What other scripture study strategies have been helpful to you in your personal study?



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