Jesse Stay at reported that the Church website ranks at the top of all organizational Church websites on the Internet. It has a current Alexa rank of 3,095, and peaked at near 2,500 at the beginning of October.

I know that Alexa ranking is not a precise indicator of web traffic, but it is one of the more prominent means we have today to compare websites.

I did some sluething myself and looked up the Alexa ranking for the websites of all the major religions that I could find. Here are all I could find that ranked under 100,000:

I think I got all the major organizational Church Web sites. Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists, and Presbyterians didn’t rank lower than 100,000.  I was surprized that the Southern Baptist Convention only ranked 204,346. Some major world religions (like Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism) aren’t centrally organized, and therefore have no large Internet presence. The site for the Nation of Islam, for example, ranks 576,153. I even looked at general relgious sites not tied to a specific religious organization. The largest one I know of is BeliefNet, which ranks 3,748 – still behind

Why does rank so positiviely? Could it be mere curiosity about the Church, activity of members themselves, or does the Church itself have a more technical background than others? The Church has pioneered many technologies around Family History and recently has encouraged its members to blog and use the internet for good. The Church has also created a Youtube channel. The Church’s other main websites, (a site for genealogy enthusiasts) at 11,342, and at 63,314, also rank fairly high when compared to other religious websites.

Besides Alexa rankings, there are, obvsiouly, other traffic measures of the success of a website, such as referrals by search engines and growth in traffic compared with the Internet at large.

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