Editor’s note: The True to the Faith booklet is no longer available. It was replaced by Topics and Questions.

The True to the Faith booklet is an excellent resource for youth and adults. This Church publication takes a topic-by-topic approach with simple explanations of gospel subjects. It was designed to be especially mindful of youth, young single adults, and new converts. The 190-page booklet contains approximately 170 entries on topics listed alphabetically from Aaronic Priesthood to Zion. In addition to teaching gospel principles in a simple yet inspiring way, each entry also contains scriptural references for further study of any topic. In the introduction, the First Presidency states that the underlying purpose of the publication is to help all readers strengthen their efforts “to draw near to the Savior and follow His example.”

In 2004, they were sent to each ward with instructions to provide them to all youth and new converts. As a bishop, I make sure that every new young woman and young man in my ward receives a copy of the booklet.

True to the Faith is available online in text and PDF formats or you can order a printed copy for US$2.00 at store.lds.org. The book is published in 46 languages.

In 2004, True to the Faith was added to the missionary library, along with Preach My Gospel.

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