light-world-lds-christmas-advent-calendarThis year, the Church’s Christmas initiative is called “Light the World” and the theme is “25 Ways Over 25 Days.”

The Church provides a service advent calendar with a service theme for each day from December 1-25. Each theme includes ideas on how to serve and an inspiring video.

Below are the videos from the advent calendar for this week, December 19-25 (see all days). Click on the heading of each to see the service ideas.

December 19: Jesus Calmed the Storm and So Can You

December 20: Jesus Saw Potential in Others and So Can You

December 21: Jesus Forgave Others and So Can You

December 22: Jesus Showed Gratitude and So Can You

December 23: Jesus was a Peacemaker and You Can Be One Too

December 24: Jesus Cared for His Loved Ones and So Can You

December 25: Jesus’s Disciples Followed Him and So Can We

Throughout the month of December, the Church invites you to share the light of Christ by participating in #LIGHTtheWORLD.

  • Invite your friends to watch a new Christmas video at
  • Share your experiences using the hashtag #LIGHTtheWORLD.
  • Follow the advent activity calendar for ideas on Christlike acts of service you can do each day from December 1st to the 25th to emulate the many ways Jesus cared for others during His earthly ministry.

Learn more about the “Light the World” initiative,


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