Easter is Sunday, March 31. Below are some resources you may want to consider using with your family to feel the spirit of Easter.
Watch the Church video “His Sacred Name—An Easter Declaration,” which focuses on key words from the scriptural accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John that recount the horrific story of His Crucifixion with words like “rejected” and “mocked.” But it also includes words that portray Christ’s exceptional characteristics, such as “forgave” and “held His peace.” After watching the video, read the text of the video, which has links to make it easy to read each of the scriptures quoted, so you can more fully appreciate the context.
Read the article “‘Christ Lives’ Is Always a Message for Easter” in LDS.org’s Prophets and Apostles Speak Today.
Read the article “Creating Christ-Centered Easter Traditions” from the March issue of the Ensign.
Read many great articles about the Savior and His resurrection in the April issue of the Ensign and Liahona, including a nice center spread about Easter Week.
Read some of the great articles in Church magazines about Easter.
Read about the Resurrection in Gospel Topics on LDS.org.
Read about Easter in the Bible Dictionary.
Search “Easter” in the LDS Media Library.
Watch Easter videos on the Mormon Channel.
Search “Easter” on the Mormon Channel to find music and programs about Easter.
Read about additional ideas for your family on this Easter Sunday.
Watch Easter-related videos on Bible Videos.org.
See other resources to the LDS.org page about Easter (lds.org/topics/easter).
Happy Easter!