A Christmas pageant was held outside of the LDS temple in Santiago, Chile, on December 8, 2012. It was a great evening of music, dance, and reflection on the birth of Jesus Christ.

Special guest singers included Elder David Archuleta, Rebeca Lopez, and Lorena Reyes. Elder Jorge F. Zeballos, First Counselor in the South America South Area Presidency, provided a Christmas message.

I hope you enjoy the following video of highlights of that Christmas concert.

Elder David Archuleta is nearly nine months into his 2-year LDS mission. When Elder Archuleta sang in a choir at the LDS General Conference back in April, photos and video were spread widely on social media. I expect that this video will also get quite a few views. The video was just posted yesterday, and the views now stand at 1,123. Any guesses as to how many views it will get by the end of December?

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