Video: Men’s Hearts Shall Fail Them
by Larry Richman | Nov 23, 2011
In these days of difficulties, people are afraid because they forget their identity and their purpose. Heartaches will come, but when you have faith, you can handle difficulties knowing with an eternal perspective that all will be well. Elder Russell M. Nelson...Video: Sanctify Yourselves
by Larry Richman | Nov 3, 2011
Watch this moving video “Sanctify Yourselves.” When a little league football player is struck by lightning, his 18-year-old assistant coach was prepared to use his newly-conferred Melchizedek Priesthood authority to call upon the healing powers of heaven....
Things as They Really Are
by Larry Richman | Oct 17, 2011
Elder David A. Bednar warns of the harmful effects that digital technologies can have on our souls. He invites us to ask ourselves two questions to see if we are using these technologies properly. Watch, read, or listen to Elder Bednar’s full address. Download...Two Brothers Apart
by Larry Richman | Oct 13, 2011
Watch the video below that follows Luke and Sam over several years as they struggle to understand and connect with each other. Watch other Mormon Message videos.Mormon Message Video “Expressions of Love”
by Larry Richman | Aug 10, 2011
Couples of all ages share the many ways they have found to express love for each other in this new Mormon Message video “Expressions of Love”. Can you think of a friend who could benefit from this message? If so, please pass it along.Mormon Message Video “I Choose to Be Pure”
by Larry Richman | Aug 2, 2011
In the Mormon Message video “I Choose to Be Pure” shown below, 6 youth from various faiths speak candidly on why they have chosen to be sexually pure. Can you think of a friend who could benefit from this message? If so, please pass it along....A Priesthood Duty: Missionary Work
by Larry Richman | Apr 20, 2011
In this video, President Thomas S. Monson speaks to young people about missionary service—a duty for young men and a rewarding option for young women.Tyler Haws: A Work in Progress
by Larry Richman | Apr 14, 2011
His basketball dreams almost didn’t come true, but then Tyler Haws learned where hard work and dedication can lead. Watch this Mormon Messages for Youth video. If you like it, please rate it and share it with your friends.Video: Dayton’s Legs
by Larry Richman | Apr 8, 2011
The Mormon Messages video “Dayton’s Legs” is a moving story of a 13-year-old deacon in Arizona who pushed himself to the limit so that his friend, who has cerebral palsy, could participate with him in a triathlon. This video reminds me of other...Easter Mormon Message Testifies of Christ
by Larry Richman | Apr 7, 2011
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has released a new Easter video that testifies of Jesus Christ is a powerfully simple way. The new Mormon Message “His Sacred Name—An Easter Declaration” focuses on key words from the scriptural accounts of...Families Can Be Together Forever
by Larry Richman | Feb 18, 2011
Increase your understanding of the Lord’s purpose for families and of the blessings He makes available to them.New Year Video: Look Not behind Thee
by Larry Richman | Dec 30, 2010
Faith in Jesus Christ gives us strength to leave the past behind and look ahead to a brighter future. Enjoy and share this video as you think about the new year.Happy Thanksgiving
by Larry Richman | Nov 19, 2010
Watch this great video about living in thanksgiving daily. The more often we see the things around us, the more they become invisible to us. Learn how you can live in thanksgiving daily by noticing the wonders and beauties of this world. Read President Thomas S....Strengthening Families & Building Faith by Using Church Resources
by Larry Richman | Nov 11, 2010
I delivered the following today as part of a panel discussion titled “Mormon Media Studies: Across Web Time, Cyberspace, and Blogging Disciplines” in the symposium “Mormon Media Studies: Across Time, Space, and Disciplines,” at the BYU Conference Center in Provo,...LDS365 Daily Email
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