by Larry Richman | May 9, 2014
We thought you’d enjoy sharing these videos on Mother’s Day. In the video Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!, teenagers talk about the wonderful things their mothers do. This Mother’s Day, let your mom know how special she is. Share this video with your...
by Larry Richman | Jun 15, 2013
This nondenominational video celebrates a father’s influence in a child’s life and invites us to “remember the men who’ve taught you what it takes to be a good father.” Father’s Day is celebrated this Sunday, June 16, 2013, in the...
by Larry Richman | May 12, 2013
We thought you’d enjoy sharing these videos with your mother on Mother’s Day. In the video Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!, teenagers talk about the wonderful things their mothers do. This Mother’s Day, let your mom know how special she is. Share this...
by Larry Richman | Sep 17, 2013
Many social media sites let you categorize your posts by using hashtags. Hashtags consist of a pound sign (#) followed by a key word(s). These subject tags can be searched on sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Flickr, and Tumblr to find...
by Larry Richman | Oct 21, 2020
It seems that people with different ideologies find it increasingly more difficult to get along. We see it in politics and in other aspects of our life. In general conference, our leaders encouraged us to be kind and civil with others—especially those who don’t...
by Larry Richman | Dec 3, 2019
To help you share the Church’s #LightTheWorld effort, you may find the following downloads helpful: The Christ Child Watch a new 18-minute dramatic short film depicting the events of the Nativity. Consider viewing it with friends and family and using the Home...
by Larry Richman | Jul 1, 2015
From The following letter from the Council of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles is being read in Church meetings across the United States and Canada beginning Sunday, July 5. (The Church issued this brief public statement...
by Larry Richman | Apr 17, 2015
Family home evening is one of the most prominent institutions on Latter-day Saint teachings and culture. Although it has been around since the early days of the Church, April 27, 2015, marks the 100th anniversary of the formal institution of it. It was on that day in...
by Larry Richman | Feb 28, 2015
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints discussed the issues of faith, family and religious freedom on the campus of Chapman University on Thursday, February 26, 2015. Elder Holland was on the...
by Larry Richman | Aug 26, 2014
The Blog has written this nice summary of The Family: A Proclamation to the World: In 1995, leadership from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (also known as Mormons) released “The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” a document outlining...
by Larry Richman | May 30, 2014
Utah Valley 360 has published a list of “10 of the most indispensable LDS talks ever given.” Although there are countless notable talks that are worth reviewing, they give the following list of 10 classic addresses from General Authorities and General...
by Larry Richman | May 7, 2014
Motherhood is the highest, holiest service assumed by humankind. It’s the definition of selfless service. It’s both a daunting responsibility and a glorious opportunity. The divine role of motherhood is a gift from God, and key to His plan of happiness for all His...
by Larry Richman | Nov 4, 2013
Beginning in 2014, a general women’s meeting will be held the Saturday before each general conference in place of a general Relief Society meeting held in the fall and a general Young Women meeting held in the spring. These twice-a-year meetings will be conducted by...
by Larry Richman | Mar 25, 2011
Tomorrow (Saturday, March 26, 2011) is the LDS General Young Women’s Meeting at 6:00 pm MDT for all young women ages 12-18, their mothers, and Young Women leaders. The theme is the 13th Article of Faith. Read more about the General Young Women’s Meeting,...
by Jimmy Smith | Mar 11, 2009
In February 2008, it was reported that comScore ranked Women’s Communities as the fastest growing category of sites on the Internet, growing 35% from Dec 06 to Dec 07. Below is a list of the top Web sites, at that time, in that category: comScore MediaMetrix...