Keeping Kids Safe on Facebook

Keeping Kids Safe on Facebook

The Facebook page Help Your Teens Play it Safe offers a few tips parents can use to keep their kids safe on Facebook. Facebook lets you control the audience of your posts. Therefore, encourage your kids to review their privacy settings and to make sure they consider...
Live Facebook Event for LDS Youth with David Archuleta

Live Facebook Event for LDS Youth with David Archuleta

LDS youth are invited to participate in a Face to Face Live Facebook event with David Archuleta, professional singer and recently returned LDS missionary. This interactive discussion will be moderated by Young Women general president Bonnie L. Oscarson and Young Men...
Follow the Jesus the Christ Facebook Page this Easter

Follow the Jesus the Christ Facebook Page this Easter

Each day this week, I am sharing Easter messages. Today’s article is about the Facebook page Jesus the Christ. If you use Facebook, I encourage you to follow the page Jesus the Christ. The page is a community of disciples of Jesus Christ of all faiths who love and...

How the LDS Church Uses Facebook

In the video below, Elisa Scharton, Jesse Stay, and Fernando Camilo discuss the features of Facebook and how the Church is using it. In this video, you can: Find posts about various content across, Mormon Channel, and other Church websites. See Facebook pages...
Graphics for Facebook, Google+, Blogs

Graphics for Facebook, Google+, Blogs

In Sunday’s broadcast “The Work of Salvation,” Elder L. Tom Perry explained that missionaries will use “, Facebook, blogs, email, … text messages” and other platforms to reach out to people. “The Church must adapt to a changing world,” he...
1.5 Million Fans of on Facebook

1.5 Million Fans of on Facebook

Did you know that over 1.5 million people have Liked the page on Facebook ( If you Like the page, then you’ll see on your Facebook stream the great information, inspirational quotes, and pictures from that page–and maybe...
Facebook Page: Mormon Helping Hands New England

Facebook Page: Mormon Helping Hands New England

Mormon Helping Hands is a program of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that provides community service and disaster relief to those in need. A new Facebook page was just set up for Mormon Helping Hands New England. The New England states include,...
Facebook Redesign: Timeline

Facebook Redesign: Timeline

If you haven’t yet converted your Facebook page to the new Timeline design, your page will automatically convert on March 30, 2012. To learn more about setting up your Timeline design, I recommend Mari Smith’s “Facebook Timeline for Business Pages – 21 Key Points To...
Facebook Scams

Facebook Scams

If you use e-mail or any social media, you should watch out for spammer and scammers. has published a list of the Top Ten Facebook Scams to Avoid. Some of these scams are phishing schemes trying to obtain your username and password, while others end in...
Church’s Facebook Page Surpasses 500,000 Likes

Church’s Facebook Page Surpasses 500,000 Likes

This weekend, the Facebook page for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints surpassed 500,000 “likes.” That’s grown from 300,000 fans a year ago. According to the Facebook Page Leaderboard, the Church’s Facebook page ranked #11 in the...

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