by Larry Richman | Jun 7, 2018
Beginning in June, the Ensign and Liahona began publishing a ministering principle each month to strengthen women, men, young women, and young men in their ministering efforts. The June issue, for example, teaches “Five Things Good Listeners Do,” and the July issue...
by Larry Richman | May 26, 2018
The Ensign and Liahona magazines now publish some articles in digital-only format. In addition to the articles in the printed magazines, other articles are available online at and, and in the Gospel...
by Larry Richman | Apr 23, 2018
The Ensign magazine has published a special supplement to the May issue as a tribute to our new Prophet and President Russell M. Nelson. “President Russell M. Nelson: Guided, Prepared, Committed” is a 16-page article by President Dallin H. Oaks about the...
by Larry Richman | Apr 20, 2018
The text and PDF of the April 2018 general conference issues of the Ensign and Liahona magazines are now online and in the Gospel Library app. The magazine is currently being printed and will soon be mailed to subscribers. “For the next six months, your conference...
by Larry Richman | Oct 19, 2017
The text and PDF of the general conference issues of the Ensign and Liahona magazines are now online and will soon appear in the Gospel Library app. The magazine is currently being printed and will soon be mailed to subscribers. “For the next six months, your...
by Larry Richman | Dec 27, 2016
You’ll notice seven big changes in the Friend magazine, beginning in January. Child-Friendly Paper The friend is now printed on crayon-friendly paper. Beginning with the January issue, you’ll notice a thicker, textured paper that’s great for coloring and...
by Larry Richman | Aug 12, 2016
The Liahona is the international magazine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and is published in print and online in 48 languages. Some languages have only one issue a year and others receive more, depending on the number of members that speak each...
by Larry Richman | Apr 28, 2016
The home pages of each of the four Church magazines have summaries of the content from the current month’s issue of each magazine. These summaries and other resources are updated often to reflect the messages in the most current magazine issues.
by Larry Richman | Apr 25, 2016
The text and PDF of the general conference issues of the Ensign, Liahona, New Era, and Friend magazines are now online and will soon be in the Gospel Library mobile app. Printed copies will soon be in the mail to deliver to subscribers’ doors. The Ensign and...
by Larry Richman | Dec 30, 2015
Beginning with the January issue, the Friend magazine will have a new 10-page section for younger children. Just flip the magazine upside down and you’ll find Friend Junior—10 pages of content especially for younger children. It’s like having two magazines in...
by Larry Richman | Oct 27, 2015
The text and PDF of the general conference issues of the Ensign, Liahona, New Era, and Friend magazines are now online and will soon be in the Gospel Library mobile app. Printed copies will soon be in the mail to deliver to subscribers’ doors. The Ensign and...
by Larry Richman | Jun 12, 2015
The article “But What If … ? Questions about Serving a Mission” gives advice to youth and adults who are contemplating serving a full-time mission. As your time to serve a mission approaches, you may ask yourself, “Can I really do this?” Yes, you can! It...
by Larry Richman | May 1, 2015
The text and PDF of the general conference issues of the Ensign, Liahona, New Era, and Friend magazines are now online and in the Gospel Library mobile app. Printed copies are in the mail to deliver to subscribers’ doors. The Ensign and Liahona magazines...
by Larry Richman | Nov 3, 2014
The November issue of the New Era magazine is now online (as well as the Ensign, Liahona, and Friend). Youth will really enjoy the summaries of conference talks as well as images that they can share with their friends. See some examples below. There is also a reading...
by Larry Richman | Oct 24, 2014
The text and PDF of the general conference issues of the Ensign, Liahona, New Era, and Friend magazines are now online and printed copies are in the mail to deliver to subscribers’ doors. The Ensign and Liahona magazines include a 2-page chart showing the...