The Ensign magazine has published a special supplement to the May issue as a tribute to our new Prophet and President Russell M. Nelson.
“President Russell M. Nelson: Guided, Prepared, Committed” is a 16-page article by President Dallin H. Oaks about the life of President Nelson with wonderful stories and photos.
Subscribers to the Ensign and Liahona magazines will get a printed copy of this supplement with the May issue. You can also download a PDF copy of the supplement.
I hope that every Latter-day Saint and every person who is not a member of Christ’s church will read this supplement with open hearts and minds; yea, and with the intention of getting to know this holy man who had been called by the voice and authority of Jesus Christ, yea, and had been set apart and ordained by the laying on of the hands of the entire body of the Apostles that hold the keys to my kingdom, which is the Celestial Kingdom. You will come to know your Savior and Redeemer, yea, even Jesus Christ, better when you come to know His Prophets, yea, as well His Apostles, and the service and ministry that they perform in the name of their Head, who is Jesus Christ.
The Prophet, Russell M Nelson, is not a man who has come before you to deceive you into following darkness; Nay, he is a man who is holy and who has come before you to lead you out of darkness and into the light, that ye may see those things that ye need to do to become exalted and to live eternally with your Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ; yea, and to dwell with Him and His Father in His Father’s kingdom forever. Ye can only achieve this glory by adhering to his words and to the words of those Prophets that had come before him and his appointed office that he holds in the present; yea, and by obeying his every word; yea, because, whether or not the world chooses to accept this, it is a simple truth that he speaks with the voice of Jesus Christ, and with the voice of your eternal God (yea, even your Eternal Father).