The Church’s article “Presiding Bishopric” explains their function as follows:
The Presiding Bishopric is a council of three men who work under the direction of the First Presidency. They manage such matters as humanitarian aid, welfare programs, tithing and fast offerings, physical facilities, and the organization of membership records, among others. They also travel frequently to minister to Church members around the world.
In addition, the Presiding Bishopric presides over the Aaronic Priesthood in the Church. Because most Aaronic Priesthood holders are young men, members of the Presiding Bishopric work with the Young Men General Presidency to support the young men of the Church in their priesthood duties.
The First Presidency calls the Presiding Bishop and chooses two men to serve as counselors. All three members of the Presiding Bishopric hold the title of bishop.
Learn more about the Presiding Bishopric of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by reading the following:
- Inside Church Headquarters — The Presiding Bishopric and their role to provide temporal support to the divine mission of the Church
- Video: Presiding Bishopric explains how helping those in need is at ‘the heart of the gospel
- Inside Church Headquarters: A glimpse into the Church’s welfare and humanitarian efforts
- Sydney Walker: What the Presiding Bishopric taught me about the Lord’s Church — it’s about people
- 4 Principles We Can Learn from the Way the Presiding Bishopric Works, Liahona, February 2024