
The article “3 Guiding Principles for Using Technology and Media” in this month’s Liahona magazine provides useful principles based on gospel truths to help guide your choices about how you use technology and media.

Technology is constantly changing. And every advance in technology has brought new ways to consume media. The printing press significantly changed who could access written words. Radio and television dramatically changed how we communicate news, information, and entertainment. The internet changed how much content we could access and who could create it. Social media changed our ability to find, communicate with, and connect with people. As artificial intelligence emerges, we are faced with new questions.

New technology is never all good or all bad. Instead, it is often like a magnifying glass that can magnify new opportunities and new concerns. As we strive to be more Christlike, our response to new technology and the media it can bring into our lives is what matters.

Read the article “3 Guiding Principles for Using Technology and Media” to learn principles for making good decisions about how you use technology and media.



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