Elder Patrick Kearon was called as the newest member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on December 7, 2023. This article contains links where you can learn more about this great man.
Elder Kearon was born in England and was raised in the United Kingdom and the Middle East, where his father worked in the defense industry. Elder Kearon has served as a General Authority since April 2010. He most recently served as the senior president of the Presidency of the Seventy. Read Elder Kearon’s biography.
Watch the video below, “A Conversation With Elder Patrick Kearon.”
Watch the video below “Elder Kearon Meets the Press.”
Additional resources:
- “Elder Patrick Kearon Called to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.”
- Video: Recalling moments when Elder Kearon has shared insights on refugees, healing, love
- “Elder Patrick Kearon Says ‘Rise Out of Ourselves’: Mormon leader invites young adults to help someone in need“
- “Of Rights and Responsibilities: The Social Ecosystem of Religious Freedom“
- “Elder Kearon’s Message to News Media: Turn to the Source of All Peace — Jesus Christ“
- “The ‘beautiful’ and ‘stretching’ life experiences that prepared Elder Kearon to be an Apostle“
- “Newest Apostle, Elder Patrick Kearon, invites BYU–Hawaii graduates: ‘Put your hand into the hand of God’“