More Americans are now choosing cremation over traditional burials, but is cremation aligned with doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?
Statistics from the National Funeral Directors Association show that in 2021, the cremation rate was projected to be more than 57% and is expected to be over 75% in ten years.
Here’s the Church’s official position on cremation from the General Handbook:
Burial and Cremation
The family of the deceased person decides whether his or her body should be buried or cremated. They respect the desires of the individual. In some countries, the law requires cremation. In other cases, burial is not practical or affordable for the family. In all cases, the body should be treated with respect and reverence. Members should be reassured that the power of the Resurrection always applies (see Alma 11:42–45). (General Handbook, 38.7.2)
Thank you! My husband, a former Bishop is glad this has been updated since we are An international church where it isn’t practical in many places. Whete Even here in the u s it is a great financial burden to buy caskets do embalming et cetera. Our mission in Africa has no funeral homes, no hospitals.
We have always planned to do cremation in our temple clothing.