To help youth progress on the covenant path, bishoprics should do the following early in the year, preferably in January:
- Ordain all worthy young men turning 12, 14, and 16 to the appropriate priesthood office (see General Handbook, 38.2.9).
- Review the organization of Young Women classes with the Young Women presidency. Adjust as needed to meet the young women’s needs (see General Handbook, 11.1.3).
- As needed, call, set apart, and orient new quorum and class presidencies (see General Handbook, 10.4.1 and With help from adult leaders and advisers, make sure quorum and class presidencies receive the five leadership lessons in the Gospel Library (see “Helps for Presidencies” in the Youth audience collection).
- Issue temple recommends to worthy youth turning 12. Renew recommends for other worthy youth as needed. Encourage all youth to participate in temple ordinances where possible.
The bishopric and Young Women presidency should work with the ward clerk to make sure Church records are updated promptly.
Ward youth councils are encouraged to do the following:
- Ensure that an annual Children and Youth meeting for youth and their parents is held (see General Handbook,,
- Ensure that all youth have a copy of the revised For the Strength of Youth guide and encourage them to study and use it.
- Begin organizing summer youth activities.
- Ensure that all eligible youth register for For the Strength of Youth (FSY) conferences if they are invited to attend in 2023.