
The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square is expanding its mission and implementing programs to better reach people worldwide.

In a special meeting on November 15, 2022, President Russell M. Nelson addressed The Tabernacle Choir, Orchestra at Temple Square, Bells at Temple Square, and other volunteers and professional staff.

He said, “The Church will continue to grow. It will fill the world. It will continue to bless more and more nations, tongues, and people. The Lord is hastening his work in the promised global gathering of Israel. You can be sure that The Tabernacle Choir, Orchestra and Bells at Temple Square will be a pivotal part of that era.”

The Choir’s mission statement now includes the phrase “throughout the world.” The mission statement now reads: “The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square performs music that inspires people throughout the world to draw closer to the divine and feel God’s love for His children.”

The Choir Presidency outlined pilot projects aimed at fulfilling a more global approach.

  • Next year, Music & the Spoken Word will be broadcast in Spanish and Portuguese.
  • Choir tours will be shorter and more frequent with smaller and more nimble touring companies. Rather than traveling every two years, the the Choir will now travel at least annually but for shorter duration.
  • Qualified Latter-day Saint singers from Mexico, Central America, South America, West Africa, the Philippines, and Asia will be able to audition to sing with the Choir during General Conference in April 2023.

Learn more in the article “Choir Broadens Its Mission and Announces Pilot Programs to Extend Its Reach in the World.”

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