Do you know how to use the advanced search features of the Gospel Library mobile app? These search tools can help you find what you’re looking for very quickly.
Using Search
Sometimes you don’t know where to find something in the app. At the bottom of the screen, you can find the Search button. Tap the search button to open the search panel.
Start typing what you’re looking for in the search bar (for example, “faith” or “gathering of Israel”). As you type, search suggestions will show below the search bar. If one of the suggestions matches what you’re looking for, you can tap it. Otherwise, tap the search button on the keyboard to start a full search.
At the top of the search results list, there are filters that can be used to narrow the results. More information about the search filters can be found in the “Advanced search” section of the user guide.
To clear the search and start over, tap the Clear button in the top right.
Using Advanced Search Features
Recent searches show when you open the search panel before you start typing. You can repeat a previous search by tapping one of your recent searches.
Search suggestions appear as you type, providing shortcuts to scripture verses, hymns, reference materials, and publications by title. For example, if you type “ne37” you’ll see a link to 1 Nephi 3:7 in the Book of Mormon. If you type “October 2022” you’ll see a link to the October 2022 general conference.
Search filters allow you to refine or filter search results. There are five search filters:
- Collections: Limit your search to selected content in the app (content category, current location, or personal notes).
- Speakers: Filter to show talks or articles by specific Church leaders.
- Topics: Filter content based on one or more gospel topics.
- Date: Limit search results to a specific date range.
- Exact Phrase: Search for an exact phrase (using quote marks).
The Sort by menu provides a way to sort search results by relevance, recency, or book order. Sort options vary depending on the selected search filters.
The Clear button in the top right clears the search and resets the search filters.
All Gospel Library content is searchable when you are connected to the internet. When you are offline, search is limited to key resources, such as the scriptures and recent general conferences.
You may want to take a few minutes to read through the Gospel Library User Guide. You may discover many features that you didn’t know about.