Latter-day Saints have a responsibility to welcome and help refugees. See this entry from the Church’s General Handbook, 38.8.35:
Many people have fled their homes seeking relief from violence, war, religious persecution, and life-threatening situations. As part of their responsibility to care for those in need (see Mosiah 4:26), Church members offer their time, talents, and friendship to welcome refugees as members of their communities. See Matthew 25:35;
Learn more on the Church’s page
Of all people, we should be the first to lend a hand, In whatever way we can, to help refugees. We were refugees when we cam to this land of freedom and we know what it’s like to be homeless and to be persecuted. My husband and I are retired and we live in an HOA that will not allow us to bring someone in…but we can still help through our offerings and through our prayers and through our attitudes of welcome and love. This is a gospel of charity and love for all…that means everyone.