
Endowed members of the Church can purchase garments and temple clothing in the following ways:

Who May Buy Garments and Temple Clothing

You must be endowed or have a signed and activated temple recommend to receive your endowment before you may purchase garments or temple clothing. Your Church Account will verify this information and permit you to purchase garments and temple clothing.

If you have not yet received your endowment, an endowed member with an Church Account may enter his or her information for authorization and the Church can bill and ship the order to you. If you have questions, call Customer Support.


A discount is available on certain items for members purchasing temple clothing for the first time and for first-time temple workers. The discount is only available on purchases made by phone or at a retail store and does not include garments. Please contact Customer Support for program details.

Additional Information

The section “Temple Clothing and Garments” in the General Handbook, 38.5, gives additional information about wearing the garment and temple clothing, and about garments and temple clothing for members who have disabilities or allergies.


Adult members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who receive the endowment enter into sacred promises, known as covenants, to follow the highest standards of moral integrity and dedication to God. As part of entering into these covenants in the temple, members receive a simple undergarment—often referred to as the “temple garment” or “garment of the Holy Priesthood.” Unlike other ceremonial clothing used during the endowment, the garment is worn underneath members’ normal clothing for the rest of their lives, serving as a daily physical reminder of their covenant relationship with God. Learn more in the Gospel Topic “Garments.”

The brief video below provides additional context on temple garments and temple ceremonial clothing.


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