The text and PDF of the May issue of the Liahona magazine is now online and in the Gospel Library app. This issue contains the addresses from the April 2021 general conference. The magazine is currently being printed and will soon be mailed to subscribers.
The May issues of the For the Strength of Youth and the Friend also contain conference messages and features.
“For the next six months, your conference edition of the Ensign should stand next to your standard works and be referred to frequently” (President Ezra Taft Benson, “Come unto Christ, and Be Perfected in Him,” General Conference, April, 1988).
The Liahona magazine includes a 2-page chart showing the General Authorities and General Officers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. (Download a printable PDF copy.)
Did you know you can subscribe to get an extra copy of the conference Ensign? In addition to the regular 12 monthly issues, this subscription option includes one extra copy each of the May and November general conference issues.
What will you do in the next six months because of what you learned at general conference?
Thank you.
I would like to have it in spanish…I can not find it…
How do download the off of the Conference issue?
FYI It is impossible to obtain multiple paper copies of the Conference issue. BUY Bookstore charges $20 US shipping for 7 copies (for my companion and ministering families, husband and wife).
When do Conference issues generally show up in Deseret Bookstores?
I can’t find the PDF of conference anywhere. Is it really there? The link doesn’t seem to get me there.
The PDF was just published today. You may need to refresh your browser to see it.
I haven’t received my May edition yet, has anyone else?
Peut-on recevoir, s’il vous plait, les Mentions Marginales ( de 1 à 16 ) du discours de Président NELSON: ” Ce que nous apprenons et n’oublierons jamais ”. Merci d’avance
Is a magazine layout in pdf available for the Liahona, with the format the same as turning pages in the book?
If you want to see the full graphic layout like the printed magazines you can download the PDF format and flip through the pages just like the printed version. To download the PDF version when you are on any article in the magazine, click the download arrow at the top right of the screen, and then choose Entire Book (PDF).
How do I download a pdf of the May 2021 Liahona? Can’t seem to find any connection in the Gospel Library app. Please and thank you.
Malcolm, The Gospel Library app doesn’t provide a way to download a PDF. There is no need to have a PDF on your phone, because it would be too small to read on a small screen, and you can just read it on the Gospel Library app on your phone.
But you can download a PDF from the website. I have written detailed instruction on how to do that at
Larry Richman
Grateful I am that God loves me so much not only me but all His loving children. He sacrificed His only Begotten Son Jesus Christ for as to able to go with Him; when we repent, have faith,continually do what He says and endure to end. I know He lives. Jesus Christ set a good example when He was on earth. He wants us to emulate Him. Through prayer we can talk to Heavenly Father. Holy Ghost will guide us to do good by listening the promptings of still and small voice. All these things to be true. I leave it to you in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
How can I have a copy of Liahona English ang Filipino version?
Just order one from the distribution center in Manila.