Photo from Pixaby
by Wendy Dessler at MamasLikeMe.com
Editor’s note: See a comprehensive guide in the article “How to Digitize Old Photographs, Movies, Videos, Family Records.”
Almost every family has precious papers and artifacts they’d like to pass from one generation to the next. They can include old family photos, war medals awarded to older family generations, or a century-old original birth certificate. Their preservation is therefore crucial if they’re to maintain their original quality.
In most homes, these items sit in boxed stacked in garages or shelves where they collect dust over the years. What most people don’t realize is that photos and documents are fragile and need extra care. It doesn’t require the input of an expert conservator to preserve photos and other precious memories.
Modern Ways of Preserving Memories
Today, the advancement of technology provides safer storage options for photos and documents. Here are a few ways you can make use of technology for this purpose.
1. Create a Website
Having a website is the ultimate way to keep your family memories alive. You can dedicate it to the collection of precious family memories. Create stories around your family, upload videos and photos, and share the content with family members.
Choose a platform that allows you the freedom to do pretty much what you like with the photos. Choose from among the thousands of free templates to create lasting memories. Upload old pictures in chronological order and keep updating the site’s images and content.
By immortalizing the memories, you’re sure that they’ll withstand the test of time.
2. Store Them in an External Hard Drive
Before uploading your memories to a hard drive you should scan old photos and convert old videotapes to a digital format which makes it possible to save them to an external hard drive for safekeeping.
With a hard drive, you’ll still have access to these precious documents if your computer crashes. Even without access to the website that carries your family memories, you can still access them on the drive. However, don’t make it the only place you store your photos.
Ensure you have other copies stored in other separate digital storage media.
3. Use Social Media

Photo from Pixaby
Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Tumblr are de facto platforms to store photos. Create albums on these sites to keep your photos organized. The good thing is that you can easily share photos with friends and family online, just make sure to stay safe.
As you use social media sites, remember to upload copies on cloud storage. Make use of services like Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox, and Google Drive. The storage space here is unlimited.
Take Away
Life is an accumulation of experiences, both good and bad. They reflect the things you’ve learned individually or as a family. Preserving these memories is essential so that they can be passed down the family line.
You may choose to store old photos in boxes and stash them away. However, this will compromise their quality and make the memories fade away. In preserving precious memories, opt for modern preservation methods.
Consider creating a website specifically for family photos and other memories. Alternatively, upload then on social media sites or cloud storage.
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