When President Russell M. Nelson announced the historic changes at general conference on April 1 about restructuring Melchizedek Priesthood quorums (elders quorums and high priests groups) and ministering that replaced home and visiting teaching, the Church published the site ministering.lds.org to publish the letter from the First Presidency and a list of frequently asked questions. Tonight, the Church added instructional videos to the site that can be used in area councils, coordinating councils, stake conferences, stake councils, ward councils, and Sunday lessons.
Resources added to the site:
- Resources for Ministering. This page lists all the videos with ideas about how they can be used. The videos include clips from the April 2018 general conference and from general conference leadership meetings with General Authorities, Area Seventies, and General Officers. You can also print a PDF page of this list to use it in a stake or ward council meeting to help you choose the videos to watch.
- A Vision of Ministering (4:41). Watch this overview video to learn more about ministering. You can watch a shorter 1:19 version or a longer 4:41 version for coordinating, stake, and ward councils.
- Effective Ministering (15:00) This series of videos can be used to guide discussions with coordinating, stake, and ward councils and in elders quorums and Relief Societies. The series contains the following segments, each with a discussion question after the video.
Why We Minister (2:44)
Question: Why do we minister? -
Simple, Individualized, and Led by the Spirit (2:20)
Question: How can we keep our efforts simple and led by the Spirit? -
Overview of Ministering Interviews (3:53)
Question: How can effective ministering interviews bless individuals and families? -
One Coordinated Effort (3:49)
Question: How can one coordinated effort help us care for all of God’s children? -
Invitation to Act (3:24)
Question: How can we implement the vision of ministering provided by the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles?
- Ministering Interviews (19:17) Watch these videos to learn about counseling together in ministering interviews.
All these resources are also available in the Gospel Library app and the LDS Media Library app.