Enjoy this new music video “Sinking Deep” by SPARK . This new song is a devotional song written in just 2 hours (both lyrics & music). Songwriters Aodhan King and Joel Davies wanted to write a song about the idea of sinking deep into God’s presence and His love for us.
They said, “We prayed and the words just came out and it felt like it was God speaking to us.” The song portrays that in God’s presence you feel wide awake, you’re drawn by His grace, and you are stirred to change.
Featured in the video are images from Reflections of Christ by Mark Mabry, which you can see online at reflectionsofchrist.myshopify.com.
Listen to “Sinking Deep” on Spotify.”
SPARK is creating a movement for all ages to rise up in faith and be a light to the world. You can be a part of this movement by following their social media links: website, Spotify, Apple Music, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.
Learn more about how the SPARK Singers Promote Faith and Light.
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