Today, the First Presidency sent a letter to bishops and stake presidents with a standardized list of questions for interviewing full-time missionary candidates.
There are standard interview questions for baptism and temple recommends, but until now, there has not been a standard set of questions for prospective missionaries to provide consistency across the Church.
Some of the questions are about worthiness, and others are about eligibility to serve a mission. The questions about worthiness are similar to those used in temple recommend interviews. The questions about eligibility are to determine whether the candidate is physically, emotionally, and mentally prepared for the rigors of full-time missionary service. Missionaries are most likely to have a successful mission when they are physically, mentally, and emotionally prepared.
The requirements for missionary service have not changed. The interview questions come with a several-page addendum with explanations about the standards, including living a moral life, honesty, repentance, and being true to covenants made with God. The addendum is comprised of information previously published in Handbook 1, For the Strength of Youth, Preach My Gospel, and True to the Faith.
Suggestions for priesthood leaders
- Bishops are encouraged to share these standards and interview questions with young men, young women, and their parents to be sure they understand the standards and qualifications for full-time missionary service.
- Discuss the interview questions as a ward council.
- Consider a fifth-Sunday discussion or other forum to share the interview questions with the adults and discuss ways parents can help youth prepare for missionary service.
Suggestions for parents
- Take an active role in helping your children prepare for missionary service.
- Share the qualifications for missionary service with your children and help them in their efforts to understand and live the standards.
- Use interview questions as topics for family home evening lessons and discussions.
Learn more
- Church News article “Church Releases Standard Missionary Interview Questions.”
- Read the First Presidency letter, with the questions and addendum.
- Read frequently asked questions.
Seeing many returned missionaries makes me wonder if some are ready to go at age 18. Maybe these questions will sort out those that are ready and those that need to wait till they are ready.