The movie Tim Timmerman, Hope of America opens in theaters in Utah on March 2. In this movie, it’s 1994. Mount Vista High’s student body president Tim Timmerman has aspirations of attending Yale and becoming a famous politician. Tim realizes the quickest path to Washington is befriending Sydney and rubbing shoulders with her father, Senator Anderson. Nothing can stop Tim from reaching the top…except himself.
This award-winning comedy was filmed in Utah and has a lot of Mormon talent. It won several awards in film festivals. It is rated PG-13 for some scenes of drugs and a teacher who tries to be too friendly with a student. Parents could use this as a conversation-starter with their children about how to avoid drugs at school and when to know when a teacher has crossed a boundary. Parents will be pleasantly surprised at how clean the film is given that rating.
Read the KSL Indie Report movie review.
Tim Timmerman, Hope of America – Official Trailer:
This movie is the first theatrical release by VidAngel Studios, the movie platform that lets you filter language, nudity, violence, and other objectionable content from movies and TV shows. VidAngel is currently in a high profile legal battle with Hollywood studios to continue offering family-friendly filtering of their movies. In response to the court injunction that has forced VidAngel from offering its core service, the company has fast-tracked original, family-friendly movies like Tim Timmerman, Hope of America.
Neal Harmon, CEO of VidAngel, explains: “We announced VidAngel Studios in December, turning our focus to creating great content for the 40 percent of Americans who are actively looking for family-friendly entertainment; a group that is all too often overlooked by Hollywood. When Cameron Sawyer [director of Tim Timmerman, Hope of America] and his team showed us the movie, and told us that the big studios had turned it down because it’s too clean despite how hilarious it is, we immediately knew this was the right first project for us to get behind.”
Learn more about the VidAngel movie editing service.
Follow the Tim Timmerman, Hope of America Facebook page to find out when it will play in your city. To bring Tim Timmerman to your city, click here:
Hi! This is Julia Harter from Mountain View High School. I am writing a article on this movie and I would love to talk to the makers to get a feel of what the inspiration was, and how it became so popular. Thank you for considering my request.