
Mormon male missionaries, or “elders,” are recognized in many parts of the world by their suits and black name tags. However, in some parts of world with hot climates, suit coats are impractical.

To reduce the financial burden on missionaries and their families, elders who are called to serve in missions identified by the Church as having hot climates will no longer be required to purchase or wear suit coats. This includes selected missions in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Pacific, and the Philippines.

Missionaries called to serve in these missions will be notified in their call packets. See the list of the missions where suit coats are no longer required (PDF document).

Although these official changes are new, missions have long adapted for climate and culture. For instance, some missionaries in warmer climates have for years worn short sleeved white shirts and dress pants on regular days, reserving suits for Sundays, conferences, and special occasions.

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