Social media users often categorize their posts by using hashtags, which are words prefixed with a hash (#) sign. These subject tags can be searched on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Flickr, and Tumblr to find information about a given topic. For example, #ldsconf is a hashtag commonly used when sharing information about LDS General Conference. #LDS and #Mormon are common hashtags for general information about the Church.
You may also want to use #inspiredby to share what you find inspiring. See Church Facebook posts and tweets.
Here are suggested hashtags you can use when posting comments about conference:
- #LDSconf
- #priesthood (Priesthood Session)
- #WomensMeeting (General Women’s Meeting)
- #last6months (posts about how your life has changed since last conference)
- #next6months (posts about how you want your life to change over the next 6 months)
Use this format when mentioning the names of Church leaders:
- #PresMonson, #PresEyring, #PresUchtdorf (First Presidency)
- #PresPacker (President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles)
- #ElderPerry, #ElderNelson, #ElderClayton, etc. (members of the Quorum of the Twelve and the Seventy)
- #BishopStevenson, #BishopCausse, #BishopDavies (Presiding Bishopric)
- #SisterBurton, #SisterWixom, #SisterOscarson, #BrotherBeck,
#BrotherOsguthorpe (Auxiliary Presidencies)
And here are some hashtags about the Church in general:
- #mormon
- #LDS
- #JesusChrist
- #Christian
You can also see a more complete list of suggested LDS hashtags that you may want to use when discussing the Church on social media.
You can include more than one hashtag in a post, but don’t get carried away. For example, including both #ldsconf and #Christian would be appropriate when tweeting a quote from conference that referred to Jesus Christ. Using the hashtag #Christian may help it be seen by more than just the LDS community.
- Learn more about using hashtags on Twitter and Facebook.
- See the styleguide “Mormon Hashtag Recommendations” on the Church’s Mormon Newsroom.
- Read the article “10 Tips for Tweeting #LDSConf on Twitter” for some good ideas.
- The book 101 Ways to Hasten the Work Online also has ideas about using hashtags.
Feel free to download the image below and share it with your LDS friends on social media.
And remember the words of President Dieter F. Uchtdorf from the April 2011 General Conference:
With so many social media resources and a multitude of more or less useful gadgets at our disposal, sharing the good news of the gospel is easier and the effects more far-reaching than ever before. In fact, I am almost afraid that some listening have already sent text messages like “He’s been speaking for 10 minutes and still no aviation analogy!” My dear young friends, perhaps the Lord’s encouragement to “open [your] mouths” might today include “use your hands” to blog and text message the gospel to all the world! But please remember, all at the right time and at the right place.