The article “The Bad-News Kid” in the August issue of the Friend magazine teaches children how to be nice to others and not shun them.
Here are other resources about bullying:
- The article “My Dad, My Friend” from the June is a great story about not bullying at church.
- The quiz “A Friend in Me” in the April issue of the Friend magazine teaches children about including other people, especially people who could use a friend.
- The video shown below “Bullied – Let Us Be Kind.” (Another great video for teens is “Bullying – Stop It.”)
- Resources for Teaching Children: Bullying“
The boys looking at the book are all in church clothes. The bully on the cover of the book should be in church clothes too. It’s another way “The Church” demonstrates an Us vs.Them attitude in church culture. Bullies are just as often sitting in Sunday school class with us, with shorter hair and more conservative clothes.
Having trouble downloading the actual story from friend. Had a knee-jerk reaction. Should probably read the story before commenting!
Hmm. Had commented that I read the story and it actually addresses the very things I was upset about. It is a good lesson.
Another great resource was published last week by LDS Living: