Update (January 6, 2014): LDS Android applications are now available in the Google Play Store, the Amazon Appstore (for Kindle devices), and NOOK Apps (for NOOK devices).
LDS Tech has published an article that explains how to get the LDS mobile applications onto a Kindle Fire, Nook Color, Nook Tablet, or a generic Android tablet.
The Android applications will work on these devices, but it takes a few steps to get them loaded, since they are only available in the Google Android Market and these devices can’t access the market place directly.
Until the Church is able to distribute the applications through alternative markets, you can install them through a process called Sideloading. The article “Android sideloading” explains how to do this.
I’m so appreciative now being able to download these LDS apps on my Kindle Fire. They are the only apps that I wanted to instal but until now have not been available for the Kindle.
Thank you, thankyou, thank you!
Just a further comment by way of a question; The Gospel Library App for Android doesn’t have a speach option as it does for iPad & iPod – just askin!
Also, the Tools App doesn’t have the calendar as it does for the iPod & iPad. This is an important omission for me.
Is there any chance that the 2 items noted above will be included at some stage in the Android Apps?
Still a very happy camper nevertheless.
Audio playback will be available for scriptures, general conference, manuals, and magazines in April in the Gospel Library app. Until then, you could use the Mormon Channel app, which offers audio of scriptures, general conference and magazines today.
The Calendar should be available on LDS Tools for Android in March.
Are there scriptures somewhere for the kindle (not fire)? I have a free Book of Mormon from Amazon but you cannot you the button to go forward and backward by chapter for some reason. Hard to keep up in Sunday school. Just curious if there is something out there that I don’t know about.
Another great LDS app is LDS Scriptures Premium for Android.
For the Kindle Fire, it either needs to be on an app market that works on the Kindle Fire, or else we need the apk file. App markets that work for it include the following:
* The amazon app store (of course); this is ideal, as you can have it on your cloud
* Slideme.org
* Getjar.com
There are more, but these are the only ones I have reviewed for whether or not they’re legal/ethical. All of these seem to be. Slideme is nice since you don’t even need the app. You can just download the apk files from the website. GetJar’s app is kind of bigger and slower; so, I usually only use it if I really want something it offers.
Some great LDS apps (and/or apps that can easily be used for LDS purposes) besides the ones on the Church’s page for the Kindle Fire include these:
* The BYU Citation Index: http://scriptures.byu.edu/sci/
This is a really nice study aid. Look up a scripture and see all the talks that reference it. Also, it has the Journal of Discources and older conference talks. However, it seems to require an Internet connection for full functionality (but it is a smaller download).
* ServeStream: http://sourceforge.net/projects/servestream/
This isn’t an LDS app, but if you want a light-weight app for listening to the Mormon Channel or Mormon Music Channel, this is great. Here are the URLs for the streams to input (you might have to put :80 after the .org before the slash, but I don’t think so):
http://mp3radio.lds.org/new_music (Mormon Music Channel)
http://mp3radio.lds.org/spanish (Spanish)
http://mp3radio.lds.org/new_mormon (Mormon Channel)
http://mp3radio.lds.org/mormon (Mormon Channel, but sound quality differs)
* Pocket (it’s on the Amazon app store)
Pocket is useful in an LDS context because if you have the Gospel Library app, and you share something you highlight with Pocket, then it’ll format the whole page from whatever you highlighted well, along with pictures and such from the online version.
how can I download lds tools onto my nook book color?
Interested in free Mormon apps
Why does the church not support Tools on my new Kindle 8. I had it on my older Kindle. It is not available in the Amazon app store. So all of us who have a Kindle can’t get Tools. Please help me.