“And now to you mature brothers and sisters: we need many, many more senior couples. To the faithful couples now serving or who have served in the past, we thank you for your faith and devotion to the gospel of Jesus Christ. You serve willingly and well and accomplish great good.” (Thomas S. Monson, “As We Meet Together Again,” October 2010 General Conference)
Through full-time and Church-service missions, seniors can help others in many ways. Visit the redesigned senior missionary Web site to learn about opportunities, watch videos of missionary experiences, review frequently asked questions, and learn how to apply.
- Full-Time Senior Mission Opportunities. Full-time senior couples and senior sisters serve in member and leadership support or various fulfilling assignments throughout the world.
- Church-Service Mission Opportunities. Church-service missionaries build and support the operations of the worldwide Church.
Estamos salir a una misión de tiempo completo como matrimonio y desamos obtener mayor información al respecto en nuestra lengua natal, español , y no he mos podido encontrar un sitio sobre el asunto en ese idioma, por lo tanto solicito de Uds quieran tener a bien sugerirnos direcciones que se ajusten a nuestras necesidades idiomáticas . Gracias
Graciela y Alberto, envié su solicitud al departamento SeniorMissionaries@ldschurch.org. Espero que ellos les contesten.